Explore Columbus Catholic

Proclaim Vancouver

Author -- 16 posts
Novena to Pentecost

Subscribe to our Pentecost Novena which starts on Friday, May 27 and ends on the vigil of Pentecost Sunday, June 4.   ...

The Intentional Accompaniment Series

What is Intentional Accompaniment? In his book, Intentional Accompaniment, Michael Hall describes Intentional Accompaniment...

Proclaim Field Guide

This field guide invites you to approach mission differently and is meant to be used with a small group.

Upper Room 2021

We’re reopening a year of ministry and mission with the Upper Room on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021. Register today!

Resource Adults
6 Places to Get Motivation When Mission is Too Heavy

Being on mission is hard. It can be tiring and discouraging when you feel like your attempts aren’t working or you’re alone in...

Resource Adults Young Adult
What is Discovery & How Does it Work? 

The CCO Discovery study is a 6-week faith study that leads people through the kerygma in a small group, discussion-based study....

Resource Adults Empty Nester
What is Alpha & How Does it Work?

Alpha is a weekly program that creates a fun environment for people to talk about life, faith, and God together. Run over 11...

Resource Adults
Alpha Stories: Rahwa, Matt & Stephanie

I think that was the moment when the dark I had inside went away, and the light came through.

Is Alpha Catholic Enough?

“Is Alpha Catholic enough?”  Maybe you’ve asked this question out loud. Or maybe you've at least thought it.  Afterall, Alpha...

Resource Adults
Creating an Impact List

In addition to praying generally for the success of our efforts (like the Psalmist prays, “Give success to the work of our...

Resource Adults
Alpha Stories: Miranda & Ashlyn

A lot of people had questions like I did...so I felt very comfortable knowing I was not the only one exploring it.

Resource Adults
Alpha Stories: Dori & Jorge

I'm super thankful that you invited me to Alpha. It changed my life. It changed everything for me.

Resource Adults
What Holiness Really Means

Holiness can get a bad reputation. It can feel intimidating, seeing it as something out of reach. Others may see it as...

Resource Adults
Telling the Story of Christianity in 5 Minutes

There used to be a bookstore in Canada called Coles. In 1948, they published a series of literature guides for students with...

Resource Adults
Why Your Church Should Care About Its Coffee

When is the last time you sat around a table with good food and good friends and just talked for hours? Those moments where...

Resource Adults
Who Might You Invite to Alpha?

You want to start running Alpha. You are ready to open your home as a place to do mission. But you're stuck on one question—who...